Get ready for some Bad Biology! Come one and all to see this messed up sexual romp form the man that brought you Basket Case and Brain Damage in the 80's. Frank Henenlotter is said to be one of the best horror/comedy Directors, but he likes to think of his films as Exploitation films like the ones he would watch on 42nd street when he was young. Back in the '60's and 70's when Times Square was a different place. "I never felt that I made ‘horror films’, he has said. "I always felt that I made exploitation films. Exploitation films have an attitude more than anything – an attitude that you don’t find with mainstream Hollywood productions. They’re a little ruder, a little raunchier, they deal with material people don’t usually touch on, whether it’s sex or drugs or rock and roll." This weekend get your fill of sex and death at the Sunshine Cinemas on 2nd and Houston. Yes for just under ten dollars one gets all the drug-addicted penises and mutant babies you can stomach. Plus much, much more!! Director Frank Henenlotter will be there in person for a Q and A on Friday. R.A. the Rugged Man who helped write Bad Biology will also be around for this big night in the LES. Saturday has its own set of wild and strange appearances with Actresses Eleonore Hendricks, Playboy Bunny Rachael Robbins, B-movie Star Tina Krause, and the film's Sexy Hooker Vicky Wiese. One never knows there might Possibly be even more stars, freaks and musicians coming downtown this weekend for some Bad Biology.