Monday, June 6, 2011

Street Book Here is New York E.B White

Found - Houston and 2ND
Picked up because - E. B. White is he American Author of Charlotte's Web

Finding certain books on the street feels like fate. One look down and there could be an adventure at your feet. This small volume by E.B. White has some revealing things to say about New York City. Written in 1948 when the city was different, but was it that different then? The City has always been the City of Dreams, has it not? This book has been called an essay because it kind of teaches more to the reader then one would think. In this White touches on the real New York and how it feels to live in the Big Apple at the height of its glory. He seems to know all the things that ring true for the city and its people. With a turn of phrase and informative rants this book is a must read for all New Yorkers. This Street Book came with a note inside "Here is to finding your New York during your stay. Enjoy the Adventure and embrace serendipity." So if fate steeps in and "Here is New York" is your next read don't feel surprised