It seem like the idea of getting something for free is coming back into most Americans minds. Think back to when you got free French fries with your burger, of a free wash with your hair cut. Yes as we all slim down our "footprints" and our budgets the concept of free has been brought back. There is lots of ways to find what you need for free online. Craigslist has been a good place to find free stuff. There is also a helpful little site called Free Cycle, just join and search for that perfect item your looking for. If your looking for free goods or services with a sense of community go seek out the Really Really Free Market (RRFM). New York City's RRFM is held the last Sunday of the month in the Grenich Village at The Judson Memorinal Church just outside of Washington Square Park. These Free Markets are not a place to sale or barter, it is about sharing resources. This is seen as an alternative to our consumer based culture. Most of them like NYC's are held once a month in public parks, community commons or Church's. If you don't have a Really Really Free Market close at hand, why not start one yourself? "If you Build it they will come" and the RRFM movement can help you with that.
City's With Really Really Free Markets:
New York City - Reno, Nevada -Cottage Grove, Oregon - Minneapolis, Minnesota - Milwaukee, Wisconsin - Lancaster, Pennsylvania - Austin, Texas - Grand Rapids, Michigan - Belfast, New York - Tallahassee, Florida - Detroit Michigan - San Francisco Bay - Wilmington, Raleigh, Greensboro, Charlotte, Carrboro, and Greenville North Carolina -.Washington DC - Richmond, Virginia - Cincinnati, Ohio - Dayton, Ohio - Indianapolis, Indiana and Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania are home to monthly Really Really Free Markets.
Web Sites:
City's With Really Really Free Markets:
New York City - Reno, Nevada -Cottage Grove, Oregon - Minneapolis, Minnesota - Milwaukee, Wisconsin - Lancaster, Pennsylvania - Austin, Texas - Grand Rapids, Michigan - Belfast, New York - Tallahassee, Florida - Detroit Michigan - San Francisco Bay - Wilmington, Raleigh, Greensboro, Charlotte, Carrboro, and Greenville North Carolina -.Washington DC - Richmond, Virginia - Cincinnati, Ohio - Dayton, Ohio - Indianapolis, Indiana and Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania are home to monthly Really Really Free Markets.
Web Sites: